World of warship camouflage npotification won't go away
World of warship camouflage npotification won't go away

world of warship camouflage npotification won

Make the transition from the old system to the new one as comfortable as possible.Simplify the management of economic bonuses.Give the ability to select economic bonuses and camouflages independently of each other.The main goals of the update are the following: The basic principle is that, in total, your economic earnings will not be negatively affected - in some cases, you'll even get more. Some explanations of other minor changes.Conversion rules describing how the process works in detail.Examples of the usage of bonuses and a battle rewards calculator to compare earnings before and after the change.A conversion calculator to estimate how the transition will affect you.We plan to release this update in late summer or early fall, but you can check out all the details now. When we started working on the popular idea of separating the economic bonuses from the visuals, we realized that this entailed many other changes. Over time, we've drawn up a long list of things that could be improved or changed. Almost 7 years have passed since the game's release, and one of the most important components of World of Warships - the economy - has remained largely unchanged.

World of warship camouflage npotification won't go away